“Even a blind man can see that one act of kindness makes the world a better place … and that world begins with you.”
- Robert F. Smith
It all started with one little green apple. Robert’s father, OC Smith was a singer and known for a Grammy song back in the late 60’s. It was called, “Little Green Apples”. To honor his father, Robert wanted to do something special. Robert has been blind since birth but that hasn’t stopped him from dreaming and achieving. Shortly after the Little Green Apples Project was created, Robert set his mind to accomplish one objective; to do Intentional Acts of Kindness. Robert raised the majority of the funds for a service dog thru 4Paws For Ability, held free concerts for Veterans, gifted many kids throughout the world with Doopalpoops - Puppets with a purpose, and also passed out many Flooples Toss To Target Game Towels to non profits, schools, churches and sports events. To help him accomplish his intentional acts of kindness Robert walked 450 miles, (over 1,400,000 steps) from Long Beach California to Las Vegas, Nevada; (Journey was completed on November 19, 2018). Each one of Robert's steps is to honor veterans, people with disabilities and children with life-threatening challenges. The Kindness Walk’s next journey will be from Palm Springs, California to San Francisco, California and Robert is planning this walk to begin late fall of 2021 or spring of 2022. We encourage you to join Robert’s efforts in continuing to do intentional Acts of Kindness and to make this world a better place. One of the easiest ways to accomplish this task is to sponsor a few of his steps throughout the year. It all begins with a quarter.